We’re on a mission to see 10,000 new disciples of Jesus in the next 10 years.

Tillie and I have been around the local church our entire lives. Our lives have been so blessed by being close to Jesus’ followers from the earliest age that it’s impossible to say how much positive impact it has had on our lives.

Maybe you can relate. If you’ve been following Jesus for some time now, you likely know what it’s like to be a part of a local church that helps you grow closer to Jesus, navigate the heartache that life brings your way, and teaches you the joy of serving others in Jesus’ name.

But so many people have not experienced the grace and peace that comes from knowing Jesus. Even though there are great churches in our community,we need more than just another church service.

If we are going to reach people that no one is reaching, it’s going to require us to think about “doing church” differently. That’s exactly what God has asked us to do, and that’s why we stepped out in faith to launch Real Life Vineyard Church.

Maryland doesn’t just need another church—we need more disciples of Jesus! I love this quote from Mike Breen “If you make disciples, you always get the church. But if you make the church, you don’t always get disciples.”

While we love having weekend worship services, that alone not going to get the job done. We need to make disciples, who make disciples, who go on to make disciples. We’re on a mission to see 10,000 new disciples of Jesus in the next 10 years.

Jon & Tillie Butler
RLVC Pastors


RLVC exists to inspire and equip people to follow Jesus by personally living out His mission to multiply disciple-makers.


RLVC is on a mission to see 10,000 new disciples of Jesus in the next 10 years.


You don’t have to agree with us, to grow with us.

No matter what you believe—we want you here, and we will challenge each other to grow.

If we don’t have some fun—we’re doing it wrong.

When we walk in God’s unique design for us, joy is part of the journey.

Everything we do is to reach our “ONE”.

Jesus said 1>99. So we filter everything we do to reach the “One”. 

We will keep it real.

We place a high value on shooting straight, being ourselves, and walking with integrity.

People are always our purpose.

Meaningful relationships are both the “how” and “why” of everything we do.

The stakes are high—so we bring our best.

Our mission is of eternal importance—and we will treat it that way.

The fastest way to change the world is one disciple at time.

Discipleship starts slow, but it’s impossible to slow down.

God is the hero of our stories.

He is the only reason we succeed, and fully trusting Him means we can never fail.


Over time, the Vineyard movement has grown to be a network of over 2400+ churches worldwide, and has impacted the Church across denominational lines in uncountable ways.

Calling ourselves “empowered evangelicals,” the Vineyard seeks to blend the best of the Evangelical traditions with their focus on Christ-like character and regard for the Scriptures, with the best of the Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions of welcoming the empowering of the Holy Spirit for life, ministry, and acts of service. 

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